The Instruction relation is the most lopsided in all of Attitudinal Psyche. The Instructor (R+, P+, A-, Ex-) is continuously making decisions, explaining processes, and assuring the Instructee (A+, Ex+, P-, R-) of their insecure and unconcerned aspects. The Instructee can eventually try to offer some of their own solutions, but this usually falls on deaf ears, as it is confusing and exhausting to the Instructor. The bright side to this relation is that it can provide routes to understanding one’s own weaknesses.
This relation is marked by half synergy and half disharmony, and feelings between partners vary wildly. The Instructor easily takes over the other’s weak points because they are confident in both their partner’s insecure and oblivious aspects. Cutting through the most difficult parts of life, the Instructor often makes these areas simple for their partner. The Instructee is accepted for their weaknesses even if it is difficult to appear competent to the Instructor in other domains of life. The Instructor is quite compelling to the Instructee because their dominant aspect allows decisive confidence where the Instructee is usually apathetic to the details. The Instructor feels useful to their partner by virtue of carrying out their normal lifestyle. Not only can the Instructor create instant results with their partner over their first aspect, but they can also discuss at length any ideas related to their second aspect. Where the Instructee is hesitant and skeptical, the Instructor is exploratory and carefree, so they sort out the details surrounding this aspect without struggle.
The Instructee’s deep insecurities and inattentive qualities are normalized in this relation, and they can move towards accepting their own attitudes through this reinforcement. However, the Instructee finds their strengths to be discounted by the way the Instructor prefers their unconfident aspects to be addressed. The other side of this relation is discordant when the Instructee attempts to guide the Instructor. The Instructor is used to making quick decisions and talking about their favorite subjects, but when the Instructee contributes their point of view, it is often ignored or mitigated to the shared aspects which can have a good and bad outcome. The dominant and flexible aspects of the Instructee conflict with the unconcerned and insecure aspects of their partner, so the Instructee must constantly filter their decisions and conversational style. When the Instructee explains the options they are considering, the Instructor looks for the final answer, trying to identify the point in the ramblings. Any immediate decisions made by the Instructee is also questioned by the Instructor, who prefers an explanation. The Instructor may overtake the discussion at any point to a subject in which they feel more competent to talk about.
Both partners can feel like the other does not reciprocate the same respect. The Instructee can feel overlooked for their contributions. Likewise, the Instructor can feel like as soon as they are unsure of something, their partner rushes their decisions and trespasses what is comfortable to discuss. The pair often views each other as an overall asset to each other’s growth despite some conflict. From this relation, the Instructee learns to articulate their goals to people of different attitudes and the Instructor learns to face their insecurities directly. Both also realize the feeling of being accepted for how they handle their priorities.
The severe imbalance in this pairing arises when they go from being totally compatible regarding two aspects, to incompatible when traversing to the other two. This flow of positive to negative is usually too frequent which surpasses the threshold needed to remain in good graces with another partner. Two mature individuals can make it work, but it is quite difficult.
Pair Chains
Types are only repeated to show that the chain continues and each type has a pairing on each side. The repeated type is not significant.