The Near-Identical relation is the most similar out of any pairing besides Identicals. They share the third and fourth aspects and fully understand this similarity within themselves. There tends to be a camaraderie between the two, as they can translate information from their own sexta to the other. There is also a unique bridge to the Instruction relation that the Near-Identical provides which can create an added dynamic between groups of people if all three of these individuals are present. The duals of each Near-Identical have a Cousin Relationship between them, which is also a Linear Relationship with similar underlying concepts.
Both types share the same confidence and positive outlook in their own attitudes towards their first and second aspects. This may present itself in several ways: coinciding career interests, having similar personality dispositions, concerning themselves with related challenges, and communicating comparable topics. The difference comes in how they handle these attitudes with other people and the resulting differences in focus. One partner focuses on personal results, unconcerned about other’s opinion within that aspect, while the other partner has a positive and inquisitive attitude towards how the self and others process the aspect.
On top of having similar confidences in their own sufficient attitudes, these types share the same insecure and unconcerned aspects. Both near-identical types deeply understand their insecurities and skepticism toward the same aspect, so they may find it extraordinarily easy to empathize with one another. The unconcerned aspect is also a place where they may find mutual comfort in knowing that they both feel connected in trusting others to handle matters of this aspect. However, each partner views their unconcerned aspect differently, as they usually make decisions regarding what they need from their confident aspect, so this is where you see a sexta difference between the two.
At first glance, one may think that both types are quite different. But, as you dig deeper into each partner’s inner world, it becomes abundantly clear how similar they are. Most would assume that the Cousin relation is the most similar besides Identicals, but this is untrue due to how important the insecurity surrounding the third aspect is. This relation is usually exceedingly long lasting and comfortable. Each person has no issue bringing their own perspective to the table, and the other generally respects the insight that the other offers. There may tend to be stale periods in relations between Near-Identicals, but generally these are easily overcome once interesting new information is shared.
Near-Identicals may go long periods of time without talking to one another as their lives can lead them vastly different directions since they have different first aspects. However, they can always find common ground so long as the shared third and fourth aspects can be explored together. The shared sufficient nature of their first and second aspects can also offer a variety in perspective, as they reverse the order of the aspects. Each partner uses this block of two aspects in reverse order which means they have something the other needs to fully individuate their dispositions. This has an uplifting effect on each partner as they can see how becoming more decisive in their second aspect could lead to a different life path that may be more rewarding.