FVEL is the Attitudinal Psyche type that seems the most interested in creating an atmosphere that is practical, comforting, and emotionally stable so they can flourish in their potential and resist disturbances. The FVEL appears to be protecting themselves from those who wish to disturb their environment by learning to collaborate and find strategic ways to set boundaries. They may come off as energetic, practical, ever-changing, dreamy, planning, inventive, decorative, sullen, melancholic, and emotionally closed off if someone crosses their boundaries. The FVEL seems to want control over their identity through seamlessly fulfilling their plans and being surrounded by what they deem pleasurable.

FVELs have the most insular 1F, and are overall the most insular type besides ELFVs in their relation to emotions. This type enjoys bathing in their own creative thoughts and innovations. They gain satisfaction in knowing they can watch their environment be brought to life through structuring and configuring all of the pieces involved. However, FVELs are extremely picky about what they find appealing. This type has no interest in choosing what is “in style” and instead will choose whatever they decide is fulfilling in the moment. They generally have no qualms moving to new locations or switching up their decisions in an instant. For this reason, they can come off “hard-headed” and refuse to remain still, even if urged by those around them to do so. FVELs truly desire to flourish and this usually leads them to develop a philosophy of constant movement early on in life. They recognize that flourishing, for them, means consistent renewal of the environment and its resources. FVELs can often thrive in the harshest of environments if forced to as they are consistently aware of how their surroundings could affect them negatively. For this reason, they often know the worst of what could happen and are rarely surprised.

FVELs have a novel-seeking relationship to the volition aspect. This type encourages themselves to stay moving in life and chasing after what they desire, no matter the cost – sometimes to their own detriment as they can spend money and energy way past their own means. They are often easily swayed to try the ideas of others and can run with full dedication before truly comprehending all the details involved. This does not deter the type, though, as they tend to be quite resilient in the face of challenges, particularly physical. FVELs are usually quiet about their plans but if prompted will precisely detail out the chronological order of plans. This, again, gives them a similarity to their conflicting type, ELFV. This type finds it easy to take charge in a situation and does not mind being thrown into a position of responsibility as long as the expectations are known beforehand. They can come off as visceral and instinctive due to their self confidence in this realm which can be surprising to others that initially view them as shy. FVELs believe that there are always opportunities to change and alter their lives and all manifestations of life are worth looking into.

FVELs have a paranoid and careful approach to the emotion aspect. There is some variety in behavior with the type as some FVELs will talk about their feelings, while others refuse to open up about what they are experiencing internally. However, the line that ties these two subtypes together is how cautious they are in vocalizing the details of what they truly feel. FVELs believe that being too open about their emotions will cause others to look at them as “the problem” or the source of drama. If they are more conflict averse, they can refuse to ever show contrary emotions. This type can feel an overwhelming sense of pressure building up inside of them when they suppress too much, which can lead them to escaping into fantasy worlds of their own. They may find comfort in creating elaborate stories in their minds, building full scenarios and relationships that they have never experienced or becoming entirely alien to their current understanding of who they are. FVELs that are more expressive may go through periods of time where they can handle the consequences of showing their emotional hand, but will then need reprieve and can disappear from the limelight for unexpected interludes of time. This type wants to feel safe when they have to emote and sometimes they believe this need can only be met through imagination.

FVELs have a linear approach to the logic aspect. They generally resist becoming overly concerned about the deeper meaning behind what is seen, but feel a strong pull towards those who can offer reasonable solutions, especially if feelings are involved. This type generally wants to understand what is true or false, black or white, right or wrong. They may dig into problems further than the average person because ambivalence annoys them and seems like a waste of their time. FVELs do not want to be bothered to engage in never-ending journeys through theories and logic. However, they do not like to be seen as unintelligent. It is not that FVELs are non-academic or completely turned off by philosophy – it is that this type needs to know which principles aid them in living their most ideal lifestyle. For this reason, FVELs (like all exi types) can become interested in the self-help arena. They may adopt new customs to try out a different way of being to see if it feels right to the FVEL. If the new way of life does not fit into their expectations then they quickly move on as this type does not dwell on the details of unfulfilling experiences. Overall, FVELs believe that logic is something they can meddle in as needed, as there is no pressure to fully dive into that realm if unnecessary.

Officially Typed Notable Examples