Shared Sexta
Opposed Sexta

Type Relations

Shared Sexta

Dual, Identical, Solution, Sister

The Shared Sexta pairings are all of the relations between members of the same sexta. The pairings are even in distribution which means that each partner shares all four attitude relations towards one another. This results in a balance of power and energy between both types, which can be observed in the Linear relations as well.


The dual relation is the most compatible relationship between two partners. Duals incentivize one another to growth in areas where they are weak while feeling valued for their strengths. It is easy for an individual to believe a dual is good at handling life because the dual possesses a confident ease in attitude that the other individual does not. However, as one gets closer to their dual, they realize the false idealization they have created of them, as it becomes apparent the dual remains consistently unattended to aspects of life that you regularly dominate. Duals both admire each other’s strengths and naturally teach each other how to navigate weaker priorities in life. This symmetrical relation benefits both partners.

Duals are quick to come to conclusions about their results attitudes. The partner’s Confident attitude leads the other due to their easygoing Unconcerned attitude. The partner with the 4th attitude follows the advice of the other and pays close attention to how they address their confident area of life. Understanding exact steps helps the partner achieve the desired results of the 4th attitude quickly. The partner with the 1st attitude feels deep support from their dual when they allow independence in their most prioritized aspect of life. Their dual listens with interest when they express ideas, even abruptly or flippantly, about the aspect within the 1st attitude.

In this relation, duals allow each other to discuss at length the process-oriented aspects. The partner’s 2nd attitude opens their dual’s deep insecurities. They talk about their dual’s insecurity without pressuring them to form any commitments about this aspect. This process gets the partner out of their comfort zone while respecting their boundaries. The owner of the 2nd attitude enjoys the challenge of exploring the options of their dual’s process aspect. This ability to speak about the process aspects of life reveals that the duals are strong where the other is weak. This pairing sustains long conversations without much effort. The partner’s 3rd attitude feels ready to express doubts and questions about their dual’s more confident aspect. They feel free to indicate when their dual is wasting their time on options, when normally they would not engage with this insecurity regularly. Feeling accepted by their dual, the insecure partner does not try to hide their quirks.

Duals feel comfortable and challenged by each other, which keeps the relationship interesting. The mutual support makes each partner feel superior and inferior depending on which aspects of life they are conquering together. Duality allows each partner to be themselves more than any other relation.

The fascinating part of the Dual relation is that the more each dual spends time working through an aspect, the more they move towards the opposing orientation together. For instance, if partner 1 has Confident Volition (1V) and partner 2 has Unbothered Volition (4V), the more they communicate within the volition aspect, the more they will naturally tend towards learning how to process volition in a comfortable way. This also works in reverse with process moving towards results. The more a pairing processes out information, the more they will come to conclusions regarding that aspect. This is, in part, why the Duality relation is extremely growth oriented and highly compatible long term. Our dual keeps life interesting and open-ended naturally. Whether good or bad, they will never feel stuck.



In the Identical relation, two individuals share a personality type. Identicals often do not realize their similarity right away. The attitudes are seen as normal processes of human life, so acting upon these preferences does not cause alarm in the other person. The relationship is easy to maintain, but this can cause some disinterest. Not much communication needs to happen between Identicals for them to understand each other’s priorities. However, conversation flows freely because they can talk about shared process aspects of life with the same amount of confidence. They naturally give space to the other person when needed.

Identicals are oriented towards the same priorities. They help each other achieve the goals of their shared first aspect, letting each other know better ways of accomplishing them. It isn’t taken personally when a partner has a different goal, as Identicals allow everyone the same independence as they have in the aspect. The individuals do not have to discuss their first aspect unless one of them finds an improvement in handling this area.

People in this relation share the same confidence level in their process aspects, so they can talk at length about the observations of the second aspect and the insecurities of the third aspect. Identicals easily compare what they have experienced and learned about their confident process. They can have lengthy discussions that help each other broaden their worldview. Discussion does not have a particular goal in mind, so Identicals find it natural to have fun while exploring together. They can constantly adapt to and implement each other’s input. While exchanging information about the second aspect, they often relate it back to their shared first priority. It is rare for either partner to place limits on the other’s expression.

It is simple for Identicals to improve their already confident areas, but they feel safer discussing their insecurities together than with other types who share the same insecure aspect. They know their attitudes in life are reflected by the other, so it is easy to mutually empathize with the inner conflicts created by the insecure aspect. They sort out all the negative thoughts about their insecure aspect while comparing tentative conclusions. Sometimes Identicals can be competitive about appearing more accomplished than the other in the insecure aspect of life. The confidence does not last long, and ultimately this rivalry is meant to reach a state of reactivity. When a conflict between insecure aspects happens, partners can confidently negotiate through their second aspect.

Identicals rarely communicate much about their shared unbothered aspect. Both partners do not spend much time thinking about their last priority, so it is often an irrelevant conversation topic. They both agree it is most comfortable to rely on other people to identify important goals for this aspect of life. When Identicals talk about their unbothered aspect, it is to solve problems relating to this area as quickly as possible.

This symmetrical relation is easygoing for both parties. They can talk at length without agitation although they feel understood without much effort. Identical relationships are comfortable yet not conducive to much growth outside of their confident areas. However, Identicals are great resources to learn how to cope with life most effectively. Through this relation, an individual can realize helpful and unhelpful ways to navigate the world by interacting with someone of the same attitudes.



The Solution relation is the most comfortable between both partners. There is a striking similarity in how these two appear to others. They have the same “identity” to the outside world, as they share the same second aspect which enables them to endlessly discuss anything related to it. Furthermore, each type can bring in their first aspect when discussing the second, and it happens to be the most compatible positioning for the other type in this relation. There is an automatic focus on reaching goals and getting what they desire related to the first and fourth aspect – and they can both discuss this through the mutual flexible attitude.

Solution types seem to remain in each other’s lives for exceptionally long periods of times. There can be a sort of “distant but close” feeling with these two. They know how to provide the other with basic needs of communication and the attitudes surrounding these needs are willingly accepted by each party. Both types are curious about ideas related to their third aspect. They can feed off each other during times of high energy and growth. We call this a phase of “reactivity” in the third aspect. During the opposite phase of “dormancy”, both types can give each other space regarding the aspect and not push too hard.

A relationship between Solution types is considered an “even relation”. Both types are offering the other the same thing. The first aspect of one partner benefits from the fourth of the other, and the same can be said vice versa. Both types share the same second and third aspects. With even relationships, there’s always new things to learn – regardless of how compatible the relationship is as we see this replicated in the conflict relation, albeit more negative.

This relationship has a striking similarity to a relationship of duals. The give and take of the results aspects (Confident + Unconcerned) often make this relationship extremely growth oriented like duality. However, the difference lies in the comfort levels. Solution pairs are more light-hearted than dual pairs. There is an inherent respect and understanding of the other’s insecure function, which can cause stagnation when it comes to excitement and exploration of the deep parts of the psyche. Regardless of this, it is still a wonderful match. Where duality pushes two people to be better versions of themselves almost instantaneously, Solutions leave space for the other person to grow. This is often why it is so long lasting and comfortable. We see ourselves in our Solution pair.

The Near-Identical relation can have some resemblance to this relation as both types share the insecure aspect. However, the main difference lies in the empathy in the obliviousness to their fourth aspect. Near-Identicals often refuse to pressure, fix, or may even blatantly ignore their shared fourth aspect. This is in direct opposition to what Solution pairs do. Even in the name, we can see what partners accomplish: solutions.

The Solution pairs have a hearty ability to withstand being offended by one another. The empathy and understanding between the shared third aspect transcends the ability for either to feel threatened. This is one of the most important distinctions of this relation in comparison to all other 16 relations in Attitudinal Psyche.



The Sister relation is often the friendliest connection between two people in Attitudinal Psyche. This relation is defined by similar confidences and disposition toward interests, while being able to talk and mutually help each other stay positive through their shared and compatible process aspects. They often find each other in similar activities and immediately recognize their shared end goal. While both types look similar on a superficial level, they differ in that they talk about areas of life with varying confidence and frequency. Their shared process aspects support the independence of the other. When these types come together, there is an instant attention on attaining results of their dominant aspect while building on each other’s process aspects.

Both types in the Sister relation have shared stimulating experiences which brings them together. They may spend extended periods independently addressing and building upon their dominant confident aspects, but it is agreed that “life gets in the way” when it comes to the first priority. However, these types know that the presence of the other person allows them to guide the other regarding their insecure aspect. While they feel important to another person, their own insecurities benefit from the flexibility of the other partner. There is a sense of improvement always looming in conversation and perception with this pairing. Discussion of options and growth makes the other feel progressively secure in their preferences, much like the relation of Duality.

The preoccupations of the dominant confident aspect drive these types together when their goals are similar. However, the types can be driven apart when they have different views of how to handle the aspect. It is rarely taken personally when Sister types deal with their first priority separately. If they do not ruin the experience of the other, they will find it acceptable to let the other become involved with their own confident aspect. Sister types share this primary filter of the world in addition to the unconcerned aspect. This pairing agrees that matters of the last aspect are best dealt with by other people. Individuals know not to rely on each other to address any issues in this arena. Since the unbothered aspect is uninteresting to both types, they trust that the environment will let them know when to address it.

There often tends to be a shared humor within this relation. Sister types, like siblings, can poke fun at one another or others, and understand that this is not a threat of any kind. They tend to be able to be honest with their own limitations but still leave space for improvement and encouragement when necessary. They can run into problems if either feels stifled, but both partners tend to understand how to utilize space when necessary. This is something that we can see consistently among shared sexta relations, but it is most pronounced in the Sister relation.

The Sister relation most often leads to a relief in pressure among individuals. Both partners know what pushes the other and what they are uninterested in, so they can relieve insecurity and fear within the process aspects that plague their psyche. Once this pressure has been released, each partner can be themselves and fully maximize their potential. The only wall that this pairing must overcome is the mutual fourth aspect. Once they understand to engage in the unconcerned aspect more than they currently do, they have the ability to transcend what holds them back.



Radiance, Instruction

The Square pairings are the relations between four types that are connected in a chain to form a square. There are two relations on either side of the type, which are uneven in distribution which means there is no equivalent attitude relations between partners. This results in an imbalance of power and energy between both types which can be observed in all Square relations, and two of the Opposed Sexta relations


The Radiance relation is one of the best relations in Attitudinal Psyche. Besides Duality, it ranks as the most compatible. This relationship generally feels inspirational and is quick to create a spark in interest between both parties. There is an inherent difference between the attitudes of two people in a radiance pair, yet a bond that draws them in. Though this relation is asymmetrical, there is a balancing effect that happens in the atmosphere of communication between them. As each person gets to know one another, they transform the initial spark into inspiration to both propel and reach their desires. There is rarely a dull moment between these two.

No matter what aspect you consider between both partners in this relation, there is a balance between aggression and passivity. This balance keeps the radiant relation from ever running stale or feeling too off-keel. Partner 1 will lead with their first aspect that matches the fourth aspect of partner 2, whereas partner 2 returns the favor by using their second aspect to lead partner 1 in becoming positive within that process. One partner is reliable with their results-orientation, and the other with their process-orientation. This creates a remarkably interesting and well-oiled system that incorporates the Semi-identical and Ignoring attitude relations to enhance compatibility.

Everyone has two Radiance relations in attitudinal psyche. You are the results leader/process follower (R+/P-) in one of your Radiant pairs, and the process leader/results follower (P+/R-) in the other. This means that you are more of the decision maker in one pairing, and the inspirer in the other. The interesting part of one’s radiant pairs is that they are each other’s Conflict relation. This brings us to the insight that conflictors have the same aggressive and passive aspects in opposing positions. Your tendency of which radiant pair you are better suited to depends on which two aspects you prefer to be in ideal positions. You have two people who hold the same attitude towards the outside world yet are totally opposite regarding their attitudes of their own dealings with the aspects.

Oftentimes you will be more drawn to one of your radiant pairs than the other. This could be due to many factors including life circumstances, focus on certain aspects relevant to your interests, or reactivity versus dormancy of your third aspect. Generally, the more reactive your third aspect is, the more you will be drawn towards the process leader (P+) Radiant partner. The more dormant your third aspect is (or even more secure it is), it is more likely you will be drawn to the results leader (R+) Radiant partner.

Regardless of which radiant relationship you are more drawn to, there will always be one thing present: an ignoring of the shared third and fourth aspect (Ig). If your Radiant partner has your third aspect as their fourth aspect, generally you will both ignore it. The other party may trust your advice or what you have to say on the matter since your third aspect is more aggressive about it and they have an others-positive view towards that aspect – or they will quickly decide what they want, expecting communication to halt. For the other pairing, this works the same way.

All in all, your Radiant relations are great opportunities for growth, a spark in creativity, and overall happiness. There is a push to enjoy life to the fullest between these pairs – even the bad or negative experiences. We could refer to this relation as semi-duality as it is as close as you can get to duality without having perfect attitudinal matches.

Pair Chains: Types are only repeated to show that the chain continues.



The Instruction relation is the most lopsided in all of Attitudinal Psyche. The Instructor (R+, P+, A-, Ex-) is continuously making decisions, explaining processes, and assuring the Instructee (A+, Ex+, P-, R-) of their insecure and unconcerned aspects. The Instructee can eventually try to offer some of their own solutions, but this usually falls on deaf ears, as it is confusing and exhausting to the Instructor. The bright side to this relation is that it can provide routes to understanding one’s own weaknesses.

This relation is marked by half synergy and half disharmony, and feelings between partners vary wildly. The Instructor easily takes over the other’s weak points because they are confident in both their partner’s insecure and oblivious aspects. Cutting through the most difficult parts of life, the Instructor often makes these areas simple for their partner. The Instructee is accepted for their weaknesses even if it is difficult to appear competent to the Instructor in other domains of life. The Instructor is quite compelling to the Instructee because their dominant aspect allows decisive confidence where the Instructee is usually apathetic to the details. The Instructor feels useful to their partner by virtue of carrying out their normal lifestyle. Not only can the Instructor create instant results with their partner over their first aspect, but they can also discuss at length any ideas related to their second aspect. Where the Instructee is hesitant and skeptical, the Instructor is exploratory and carefree, so they sort out the details surrounding this aspect without struggle.

The Instructee’s deep insecurities and inattentive qualities are normalized in this relation, and they can move towards accepting their own attitudes through this reinforcement. However, the Instructee finds their strengths to be discounted by the way the Instructor prefers their unconfident aspects to be addressed. The other side of this relation is discordant when the Instructee attempts to guide the Instructor. The Instructor is used to making quick decisions and talking about their favorite subjects, but when the Instructee contributes their point of view, it is often ignored or mitigated to the shared aspects which can have a good and bad outcome. The dominant and flexible aspects of the Instructee conflict with the unconcerned and insecure aspects of their partner, so the Instructee must constantly filter their decisions and conversational style. When the Instructee explains the options they are considering, the Instructor looks for the final answer, trying to identify the point in the ramblings. Any immediate decisions made by the Instructee is also questioned by the Instructor, who prefers an explanation. The Instructor may overtake the discussion at any point to a subject in which they feel more competent to talk about.

Both partners can feel like the other does not reciprocate the same respect. The Instructee can feel overlooked for their contributions. Likewise, the Instructor can feel like as soon as they are unsure of something, their partner rushes their decisions and trespasses what is comfortable to discuss. The pair often views each other as an overall asset to each other’s growth despite some conflict. From this relation, the Instructee learns to articulate their goals to people of different attitudes and the Instructor learns to face their insecurities directly. Both also realize the feeling of being accepted for how they handle their priorities.

The severe imbalance in this pairing arises when they go from being totally compatible regarding two aspects, to incompatible when traversing to the other two. This flow of positive to negative is usually too frequent which surpasses the threshold needed to remain in good graces with another partner. Two mature individuals can make it work, but it is quite difficult.

Pair Chains: Types are only repeated to show that the chain continues.



Invention, Assistance, Enhancement, Regulation

The Linear pairings are relationships between two types that are similar in nature, but lie outside of each other’s sexta. The pairings are even in distribution which means each partner shares all four attitude relations. This results in a balance of power and energy between both types which can be observed through all Linear relations, as well as the Shared sexta relations, and some of the Opposted sexta relations.


The Invention relation is often centered around similar goals and interests of both parties. This pair may come together to work on a project, trade deeply held beliefs or invent completely novel ideas, concepts, or strategies. All three parties within this relation, which is referred to as a Triangular relation, share the first aspect which means they have a deeply held understanding and respect of how the other confidently handle information regarding that aspect.

This pairing may see each other from a distance and understand exactly how to maneuver themselves to avoid negative interactions. There is an inherent respect of each other’s confident attitude in the shared first aspect. Though the first aspect is usually not apparent between two people just meeting – this pairing has the easiest time doing so. Each partner may find themselves paying close attention to the specifics of how they accomplish tasks. This may naturally lead to being able to pick up on the strengths of one another and presenting ideas that can be fixed by the others’ strong suits.

However, if conflicting opinions arise, it may take a great deal of work to settle the difference. This is due to the mismatching of the second aspects. Partner one, or the Inventor, may try to divert any disagreements to their own process leading aspect, while partner two, the Inventee, has a strategy of diplomacy that will fall on deaf ears. Meanwhile, the disagreement between the first aspect is only resolved if Partner 2 agrees to suppress their own second flexible aspect. Alongside this mismatch in second aspects, the Ignoring aspect of the shared third and fourth aspect creates a distancing between any strategies that may fall under this realm. A lot of pressure is put on the one matching process aspect, which tends to abandon unexplored potential.

Invention pairings may completely ignore one another as they do not seem to gain much in the relation unless there is a specific concern about a process that is happening. There may be long conversations about a detail that needs ironing out, but it usually results in one way traffic between the two. If one partner in the pair can recognize how to use this detail to feed into a common interest, then they may be able to turn a typically flat relationship into something more riveting.

This relation is one of the four triangular relations in Attitudinal Psyche. If the pairing manages to bring in the third partner – all struggles can be redirected and managed to keep the group on the same page. When an invention triangle is complete, great steps towards novelty, creativity, and new ways of confidently pushing forward can be promulgated. The downside to the relation is that there is rarely discussion surrounding the mutual first aspect, so being able to process it in a way that is meaningful is usually off the table. If the three individuals within an Invention relation can manage to focus on the first aspect and discuss it against their typical native disposition, then they can make even further strides than solely being present as a group. The way forward for this pairing is to understand what they can create.

Pair Chains: Types are only repeated to show that the chain continues.



Relationships of Assistance involve both types discussing and helping each other through life. The Assistant in this relation often takes the role of decision maker, making sure that the Assistee is correctly applying themselves. This relation generally does not evolve into groups, however, all three types in this relation may come together to check and edit one another’s work, often pointing out blind spots. The Assistant relation is the most compatible out of the Triangular relations, as the shared second aspect ensures that communication is always open regarding that aspect. This has an uplifting and mitigating effect on any other negative positionings of the attitude relations, which is also why the Identical2 relation is ranked as the highest out of all the Identical Attitude relations.

The Assistant monitors the oblivious needs of the Assistee and corrects issues whenever possible. The first aspect of the Assistant pairs with the fourth aspect of the Assistee, which allows the Assistee to trust their partner to handle the details of this area of life. When there is confusion over this result aspect, the partners can simply clarify misunderstandings through discussion of the second aspect. Both aspects work in tandem, so if any part of reality incorporates both, the pairing will flourish. Partners share the flexible aspect in this relation, which is a common anchor point to handle any conflicts. The synergy between the result aspects and the flexible aspects ensure that individuals stay useful and enjoyable to each other in the relationship.

The Assistance relation is asymmetrical among members. While part of their results relationship has synergy, the Assistee’s dominant aspect conflicts with the same insecure aspect as the Assistant. The Assistant is confident about correcting matters of their first aspect although their efforts are sometimes scrutinized by the Assistee. It is common for the Assistant to at first feel resentful of their partner’s pressure to focus on what they are not ready to address. However, the Assistant enjoys discussing any points they are unsure about with their partner through their shared flexible aspect. While the Assistee can be impatient with their partner’s hesitancy in their confident area, they appreciate all the Assistant’s help with the area of life they do not independently attend to. This relation is the most likely catalyst for the Assistant to understand and accept how they must improve the results of their insecure aspect. It has the power to fully help both parties individuate. There is some evidence that this relationship is the most common between romantic partners in the world.

There is a shared weak point in relationships of Assistance. The Assistant does not attend to the area of life that the Assistee is insecure about. At times, the Assistee feels that their deep insecurities and any attempts to process them are ignored by the Assistant. If the Assistee is sufficiently ungrounded in their insecurities, they may blame their partner for overlooking their needs or resort to their dominant aspect to inflict a similar feeling to the insecurity of their partner. The Assistant believes they are unequipped to process their partner’s insecurities and often communicates through the flexible aspect to understand their viewpoint. The ignored area of life in relationships of Assistance allows the Assistant to gain sensitivity to their oblivious aspect and allows the Assistee to recognize imagined threats. It is quite resilient how the second aspect minimizes negativity.

Pair Chains: Types are only repeated to show that the chain continues.



Relationships of Enhancement are defined by both types recognizing what they wish to improve upon. This relation tends towards neutrality as there is little stress on the third aspect, and both aggressive/subjective aspects (Confident & Insecure) are in moderate to ideal positions. When all three Enhancement types come together, they tend to rapidly enhance their understanding of weak spots and leading sufficient aspects.

In this relation, all types share the same insecure aspect, which is a large part of what this trio seeks to enhance. Partners do not pressure each other to be perfect in this realm, but they enjoy challenging each other to improve. The dominant aspects of both individuals are mutually respected because of the other partner’s supportive attitude. Relationships of Enhancement inspire the partners to push their understanding of the insecure aspect because they support the most confident parts of each other’s personalities. Partner 2 readily accepts advice about their unconcerned aspect from Partner 1. Matching results attitudes add a sense of measurable progression to the relationship where Partner 1 is allowed to innovate constantly in their dominant aspect and Partner 2 learns new ways to easily deal with their unconcerned aspect.

The dominant aspect of Partner 2 is also allowed to flourish without much obstruction. The absolute conclusions decided by Partner 2 are easily incorporated by the other, as this is the Semi-Identical Attitude relation between the two. Both are self-assured in this aspect so there is much room for discussion and growth. Partner 1 considers the truth of the other’s viewpoint but adds unforeseen possibilities, which improves the results of Partner 2. The flexible attitude of Partner 1 learns much from the other even if they do not fully accept their conclusions. This exchange helps Partner 1 to eliminate possibilities in this aspect that detract from shared goals.

Partner 1 is unconcerned to the aspect that is flexible in nature to Partner 2, which is where problems can arise and remain unresolved. Explaining their insecurity through the 2nd aspect, Partner 2 tries to communicate their thoughts in detail. They often pause for the opinion of Partner 1 in this aspect, but this individual does not have personal preferences related to the aspect. Partner 1 prefers to lean on the confidence of Partner 2 since it is a neglected area of life. Information about this aspect is filtered through the needs of Partner 1, who wants only the relevant points for the results they desire. Sometimes Partner 2 feels that Partner 1 should care more about this area of life and notice their effort to adapt shared needs. This is the most unstimulating aspect of relationships of Enhancement, and members tend to find the most interesting subject matter when talking about their shared confident area or improving the insecure aspect of life.

The easiest way to grow from an Enhancement partnership is to recognize the insecure spots between yourself and the partner. If you can move towards exploration of the shared third aspect and turn it towards learning with a goal of becoming secure, the easier it will be to relieve pressure off the Exhaustive Attitude relation. Enhancement partners exist to warn one another of how they are limiting themselves, so taking heed to that advice is useful.

Pair Chains: Types are only repeated to show that the chain continues.



The Regulation relation is the most uneven of the triangular relations. Generally, when two Regulation types come together, the Regulator (SI+, P+, A-, Id) understands the mutual ignorance of the 4th aspect and takes the lead by explaining processes. The Regulator confidently shares their perspective with the Regulatee, divulging all the ways in which they can experience life more fully. Pros and cons are discussed and considered. The Regulatee can grow tired of constantly being suppressed in this relation, as it can tend towards a one-sidedness.

Partners in this relation have enjoyable discussions despite occasional differences. The Regulator takes the lead in explaining all the ways in which their flexible aspect of life can be handled. Reviewing the options puts the Regulatee at ease because they are typically skeptical in the same realm of life. Feeling respected for their quirky views on this aspect, the Regulator is less apt to pressure the other to get over their insecurities despite their own confidence. While the Regulatee feels free to share even their negative reactions in this area, they may believe their partner overlooks their personal strengths.

The Regulator wields their confidence in a way that does not intimidate the Regulatee. However, it is easy for the Regulatee to feel infantilized by their partner’s negotiations and conclusiveness. The area of life that the Regulatee enjoys lengthy discussion is the same area that the Regulator likes to decide and move on. They value the other’s strength in the same realm and find it easy to hold different opinions on the same subject. The Regulatee often agrees with the Regulator because they do not take seriously the results of the interaction. Wishing the Regulator valued their view more in this area, the Regulatee may express personal opinions more readily.

The leader of discussion is usually the Regulator, and sometimes they talk about uncomfortable and unsure aspects. They easily take into consideration the insecurities of their partner, so they expect the same treatment. The Regulatee perceives that they already adapt enough to their partner through the flexible aspect, as they often incorporate their opinions. Therefore, the Regulatee is not going to be naturally sensitive to the insecurities of the other. The Regulator sees their partner’s confidence as a threat or sometimes a betrayal of the accommodating part of the relationship. In relationships of Regulation, individuals can silence or try to change each other’s views in this area of life.

Arguments and enjoyable discussion alike bring a sense of refinement to the most important areas of life for the partners. They both devalue the same aspect of life so they can focus on comparing opinions of higher-level priorities. Believing this subject is best addressed by people outside of the relationship, the individuals wait until someone else takes control here. Issues relating to their shared oblivious aspect are overlooked until the situation makes it obvious. The Regulator and Regulatee realize they are similar people that just have different needs for security.

This partnership can run stale if they are both neglecting the shared fourth aspect. They can become so unbothered by this realm of reality that it becomes a hazard. They usually need a firm grasp on this part of their personality to learn how to take care of it in a way that is not so flippant and unconcerned. If they can share this growth with one another, it bodes well for the future of the relationship.

Pair Chains: Types are only repeated to show that the chain continues.



Near-Identical, Cousin, Customary, Specificity

The Linear pairings are relationships between two types that are similar in nature, but lie outside of each other’s sexta. The pairings are even in distribution which means each partner shares all four attitude relations. This results in a balance of power and energy between both types which can be observed through all Linear relations, as well as the Shared sexta relations, and some of the Opposted sexta relations.


The Near-Identical relation is the most similar out of any pairing besides Identicals. They share the third and fourth aspects and fully understand this similarity within themselves. There tends to be a camaraderie between the two, as they can translate information from their own sexta to the other. There is also a unique bridge to the Instruction relation that the Near-Identical provides which can create an added dynamic between groups of people if all three of these individuals are present. The duals of each Near-Identical have a Cousin Relationship between them, which is also a Linear Relationship with similar underlying concepts.

Both types share the same confidence and positive outlook in their own attitudes towards their first and second aspects. This may present itself in several ways: coinciding career interests, having similar personality dispositions, concerning themselves with related challenges, and communicating comparable topics. The difference comes in how they handle these attitudes with other people and the resulting differences in focus. One partner focuses on personal results, unconcerned about other’s opinion within that aspect, while the other partner has a positive and inquisitive attitude towards how the self and others process the aspect.

On top of having similar confidences in their own sufficient attitudes, these types share the same insecure and unconcerned aspects. Both near-identical types deeply understand their insecurities and skepticism toward the same aspect, so they may find it extraordinarily easy to empathize with one another. The unconcerned aspect is also a place where they may find mutual comfort in knowing that they both feel connected in trusting others to handle matters of this aspect. However, each partner views their unconcerned aspect differently, as they usually make decisions regarding what they need from their confident aspect, so this is where you see a sexta difference between the two.

At first glance, one may think that both types are quite different. But, as you dig deeper into each partner’s inner world, it becomes abundantly clear how similar they are. Most would assume that the Cousin relation is the most similar besides Identicals, but this is untrue due to how important the insecurity surrounding the third aspect is. This relation is usually exceedingly long lasting and comfortable. Each person has no issue bringing their own perspective to the table, and the other generally respects the insight that the other offers. There may tend to be stale periods in relations between Near-Identicals, but generally these are easily overcome once interesting new information is shared.

Near-Identicals may go long periods of time without talking to one another as their lives can lead them vastly different directions since they have different first aspects. However, they can always find common ground so long as the shared third and fourth aspects can be explored together. The shared sufficient nature of their first and second aspects can also offer a variety in perspective, as they reverse the order of the aspects. Each partner uses this block of two aspects in reverse order which means they have something the other needs to fully individuate their dispositions. This has an uplifting effect on each partner as they can see how becoming more decisive in their second aspect could lead to a different life path that may be more rewarding.



The Cousin relation is defined by remarkably similar attitudes toward both self-sufficient aspects. These types look alike from the outside and generally understand how stereotypically akin they are. The noticeable difference comes when these types explore the other’s insecurities. Each Cousin type eventually searches for a calm answer to their insecure aspect, yet the other has no response. This is where this relation can run into trouble and start to look quite different. Under the surface, they find one another quite different than initially expected which can have an isolating effect on the relationship between the two. It is much easier to uncover similarities than the opposite.

This pair’s obvious similarity mostly lies in their shared dominant aspect. They strive to optimize the same area of life, so Cousins often find each other in similar spaces without even trying, albeit work or hobbies. Without consulting anyone else, Cousins have no issue noticing and fixing problems related to this aspect. These types reinforce each other’s strengths and teach the other how to get what is wanted out of situations. The opinions of the partner are taken seriously in this relation because they can trust each other to make useful goals in the world. If there is disagreement over how to handle the dominant aspect, this pair does not hesitate to handle it separately. When they must check in with each other about how to move forward, they will mostly defer back to the second shared aspect as this is universally the most compatible identical relation.

Cousins also recognize each other through a similar way of articulating the world. They enjoy confidently pursuing the results out of life within the same shared domain, but they notice a comparable exploratory side in the other through the second aspect. This pair discusses topics of interest with ease, as they can spend hours playing in the realm of their shared flexible attitude. Conversation often circles back to using the broad information gathered from the flexible attitude to create better results in their lives. Through talking out the intricacies of this aspect of life, Cousins come to know they are as different as they are similar, which again, directs them back to their sufficient attitudes rather than focusing on what is underneath the surface.

When it comes to areas that they are unconfident or insufficient in, these types often misunderstand each other. The insecure aspect is simply overlooked by the other’s unconcerned preferences. An individual easily feels like the other is just not listening no matter how hard they try to project that they are uncomfortable, insecure, or downright confused about the aspect. Their interactions about their main life focus are understood more than each other’s deep insecurities. Conversation becomes strained between Cousins when disbelief enters the interaction because the other thinks the questioning is unnecessary. This pair is marked by partners doing the same activities to make up for different areas where they desire growth. Even if each other’s motives are a mystery, Cousins respect their similar approaches to life.

These two can grow through doubling down focus on the shared second aspect and realizing that this is where the creative energy flows between them. If any uncomfortable focus on the third aspect comes up, mitigating it to a shared understanding of the second is the best route to take.



Customary relations are usually quite calm and understanding. Both aggressive/subjective attitudes (Confident and Insecure) are well understood, and if any topic is not of shared interest, they let it be. When a partner is skeptical or controversial, the other is accepting because they have similar standards. This may not always mean that they see eye to eye, but there will not be an aggressive disregard from either partner as they understand how this can hurt the ego and comfort of the other. This relation can become boring if they run out of shared interests to explore. Long periods of disinterest may accompany this relation. There is a mutual respect between individuals even if they are not inspired to communicate often, as their most visible aspect exhausts the other.

Partners enjoy quick results regarding their shared dominant aspect. Customaries may efficiently team up to get what they want. They allow each other the space to independently judge the value of any task related to the goal. When partners disagree about the ideal results, they do not hesitate to reach them alone. Individuals of this relation also share skepticism and self-doubt over the same aspect. They encourage each other to be rebellious towards standards pertaining to the area of life. In a reactive state, Customaries challenge each other to explore what they fear most. In a dormant state, they grant each other the space to address their insecurity when ready. This pair agrees that others should grant them the needed space to sort out their most important goals and uncertainties, so they often provide this for each other.

Confident explorations alienate Customaries from each other. Partners are unconcerned and oblivious to each other’s flexible aspects, leading to confusion in discussion. Talking at length about the 2nd aspect leads to boredom quickly, as the other partner only desires the main points. The flexible partner may feel that the other should appreciate the finer details of their discussion because they believe that everyone is capable of grappling with the aspect. Meanwhile, the oblivious partner may feel like their time is wasted endlessly addressing the aspect. A long period of disinterest can follow because they mutually ignore the other’s interests. This pair bonds periodically about their shared strivings in life and how to best preserve independence. It is difficult to converse on an ongoing basis, but the mutual respect for their edgier qualities maintains the bond. From this relation, Customaries learn that the ignored area of life can contain useful information for their most important strivings.

The Customary relation can become an asset when both partners check in with one another on occasion to share personal things they have learned. Both people have an array of subjective experiences that they are deeply concerned about and being able to compare notes with another person who is similarly interested in the subjectivity of those parts of reality is a huge benefit. Customaries tend to pick up right where they left off, until they run out of subjects to discuss, which is where they will leave things until next time. Although the compatibility between the two does not rank necessarily high, it does not mean that they dislike each other or “argue” much. It just has a specific function.



The Specificity relation is marked by the shared confidence in the second aspect, and most of the communication exists on this level. However, the partner in Specificity is confident in what the other is insecure about and vice versa. This creates constant skepticism in the relationship that is consistently mitigated by the shared flexible aspects. Specificity is an intimidating relationship from afar because envy exists regarding the other partner since they seem to be proficient in the other’s insecure aspect.

When two partners in a Specificity relation become closer, they reveal the insecurity of the partner in one’s most confident aspect, which reveals the symmetry of this relation. This causes stress on subjective ponderings of each partner, which they must learn to communicate about through the shared second aspect. The pair eventually understand each other well after deeply discussing questions of each other’s priorities through the objective processes that they are so open about. This pair understands the right to be skeptical of each other’s actions while questioning the result of doing so.

Although the relation is highly energetic due to conflict, the symmetry of the aspects keeps the relationship from being too confusing. The spark between them can quickly lead to a positive or negative destination. They agree that the fourth aspect is best left to people who pay more attention to this realm as they believe there are better things to focus on. These types enjoy sharing all that they have listened to regarding their second and fourth aspects. This pairing can act as a gateway to incorporating a results orientation to the third aspect in one’s life, although the benefit is not communicated as strongly as in the Assistance pair.

Both types can eventually learn how to grow and become accepting of the mutual Argumentative Attitude Relation. Much like the Assistance relation mentioned previously, the Specificity pairing can mitigate all issues to this shared second aspect. When one partner is feeling suppressed, overlooked, and trampled on, they can mitigate this information to the realm of life in which the partner can understand it in an open and accepting way. This is what saves this pairing from being completely undesirable and incompatible. There are still great hurdles in getting to this place, which is why it is one of the more troubling relations, but not all hope is lost.

If both partners in this relation are never drawn into speaking to one another due to how they go about communicating subjective information, they will likely remain at odds and in separate spheres of life. The duals of our Specificity partner are our Radiant pairs, so one way to better communicate with the Specificity pair is to understand what our Radiant pair provides to that person and try to emulate it. The more we can manage how we traverse their sore third aspect, the better. The best part of this relation is that time is on your side. The more time passes, and you can work with them, the better. The issue is getting in proximity to one another to begin with.


Opposed Sexta

Faux-Identical, Suffocation, Conflict

The Opposed Sexta pairings are relationships between two types of opposite sextas. The pairings are even in distribution, except for the Suffocation relation, which is uneven. This results in a balanced, yet negative-oriented power and energy between both types in these relations.


Faux-Identicals generally appear to have similar attitudes towards all aspects, yet as they start to develop a closer bond, it becomes clear how different their processes and expected results are. If these types remain too close, they feel as if the other is never truly listening or helping. This relation does not generate much conflict despite the influences of their opposing sextas. Where one partner is picky, the other is carefree, so they coexist in relative harmony. Most of the confusion in this pair occurs when identifying the most important results out of the same situation. Boredom ensues when the other talks at length about their interests.

Partners react similarly to each other’s dominant aspect because of the symmetry of the relation. One perceives the other as quite competent in their first aspect and freely commends their attentiveness. There is a sense that they are alike except that the other partner took a flexible interest one step further and handles it with more seriousness. The results partner wants conciseness when the flexible partner discusses the aspect without any critical points. Meanwhile, the flexible partner thinks there is always a benefit to exploration, and therefore the results partner could afford to open their awareness of their dominant priority. Even if they do not naturally agree on what to do with their dominant aspects, Faux-identicals appreciate what the other contributes.

Unconfident areas of this relation also symmetrically differ in process and results. Where one partner is insecure in an aspect, the other is unconcerned about it. Questioning the ability of everyone to handle a certain priority, the insecure person feels like the unconcerned person does not take their concerns seriously. The unconcerned person would rather the insecure person handle the aspect because they seem to care more about the details. If discussing the insecurities does not culminate in a way to move on, the unconcerned person will determine the most important points to a result. Partners do not directly conflict over their unconfident areas as their fourth aspects are very tolerant to extreme reactions. The Faux-identical relation illuminates how people can be similar but bring wildly different expectations to the relationship. Partners learn that people are not wrong for wanting a faster or slower pace to their priorities.

Although what has been stated above sounds quite positive, the true nature of the Faux-Identical relation is one of mutual boredom and indifference. There is no interest in processing out information that drives each partner to intrigue and fascination. They also have wildly varying goals which become pointless when in the other’s presence as they do not take a similar approach in their orientation. The Faux-Identicals usually have no interest in getting closer to one another, as nothing truly inspires them to do so. They may be able to discuss broad concepts that are common in everyday conversations, but the lack of depth becomes so quickly apparent to both people. The grand part about this relation is that neither partner is offended by the disinterest and can usually move along in their way without much to say.

The Faux-Identical relation can offer insight into the opposing sexta to your own. Understanding how priorities switch for your partner gives great awareness of how to deal with your Conflict relation. If one can emulate the disposition of their Faux-Identical, they may learn how to communicate with their Conflictor to some extent.



Relations of Suffocation are defined by a limited scope of overlapping interests and suppression of attitudes by each partner. On one hand, there is a mutual understanding in the confident aspect of partner 1 and the flexible aspect of partner 2, but this is overwhelmed by the exhaustive and aggressive relations, as well as the mutually ignored fourth aspect. Generally, Suffocation pairs purely discuss one aspect, and quickly escape one another’s presence before developing further interest. The more they are around each other, the more annoyed, confused and downright angered they can become.

Members of this pairing hold different values on the important sources of satisfaction from life endeavors because they are from sextas with no common results aspects. The pair tends to find common ground in their semi-identical shared aspect and discuss this subject with ease. Because this semi-identical similarity becomes the anchor of the relationship, the flexible partner is the one who is suffocated in that aspect. When this partner tries to turn the conversation towards getting their preferred result, the other wants to slow this process because of their skepticism of their partner’s confidence. It is easier for Partner 1 to be influenced by Partner 2 because of their shared confident aspect. Influencing in the other direction is difficult because Partner 1’s excessive elaboration of their flexible aspect is overlooked by their partner. This is how “Suffocation” can be implemented in reverse by partner 2.

Although this relation is technically “uneven”, there is suffocation happening in both directions, it is just split among results and process. One partner suffocates the other through Exhaustive (Ex) measures, and the other does it through Argumentative (A+) measures. Other than the Conflict relation, Suffocation is the worst. Each person has two Suffocation pairings, and we switch roles depending on which partner is present. Besides Radiance and Instruction, Suffocation is the only Square relation in Attitudinal Psyche, and specifically the only Square relation in Opposing sexta relations.

Partner 2 is bored by the ramblings of Partner 1 and pressures them to get to the point. Consequently, Partner 1 may yield to these demands out of confusion or intimidation. It is common for Partner 1 to perceive the other as too unsophisticated to talk at length with because Partner 2 finds them equally futile to listen to. Partner 2 often does not feel adequately heard except when speaking in the realm of their shared confident aspect. Their insecurities, when voiced, are typically not noticed by Partner 1. When Partner 2 expands upon where they are unsure, critical, or need clarification, their partner perceives it as useless exploration with little point. Partner 1 does not take on the responsibility of processing their partner’s concerns because that area of life is of little interest. From this pairing, Partner 1 learns how to be more creative with their dominant aspect and sensitive to needs that are foreign to their lifestyle. Partner 2 learns to value other points of view and not take their partner’s disinterest personally. Both learn to be concise and understanding of a completely different enjoyment of life’s endeavors.

To make this Type relation work, there must be serious understanding of how the other operates. This is one of the most complex relations in Attitudinal Psyche and it requires a large deal of empathy and meeting others where they are at. The best way to coexist is to learn about each other’s preferred ways of communication.

Pair Chains: Types are only repeated to show that the chain continues.



Relations of Conflict are defined by mutual disinterest and confusions of attitudes. Conflictors usually find each other’s disposition to be inappropriate and unnecessary. Their inherent differences encourage initial interest, and they attempt to help in each other’s lives. After all, a Conflictor takes over aspects of life where the other one is unsure. They try hard to find support in one another, but the closer they get, the quicker they realize their attitudes do not align. This is a recipe for disaster, as we know that unmasking differences as individuals get closer is the opposite of how we want to intimately bond with one another. It usually does not take long for Conflictors to realize their native incompatibility. Occasionally, certain individuals confuse resistance for passion and this can lead to a tumultuous and rocky relationship that is usually bound for disaster. With enough insight, it can result in personal growth, but this is rare.

The Conflict relation inspires feelings of inferiority in each partner. The dominant aspect is the other’s insecurity, and the insecurity is the other’s dominant aspect. If either partner asserts themselves, the other feels like their needs were not accounted for. Inversely, questioning coming from the other partner feels like an intrusion into the most important aspect of life. Both have trouble acting freely without offending the other’s sensibilities. It is easy for both people to feel misunderstood. Typically, individuals with this relation leave each other alone after frequent confusing interactions. This relation is similar to the Specificity relation where partners conflict with the dominant and insecure aspects. However, relations of Specificity allow the individuals to bond over topics relating to their flexible aspect, leading to smoother interactions than Conflictors.

It is an initial challenge to effectively communicate with a Conflictor. Individuals in this relation try to find common ground even if miscommunication happens. The flexible attitude is the other’s unconcerned attitude, and the unconcerned attitude is the other’s flexible function. This is exactly why the Conflict relation is even, as all attitudes are equally pressuring the other.

While one individual attempts to relate to the other partner in the relationship, they are not easily persuaded. They can feel ignored when the effort to establish common ground does not work. Meanwhile, one partner mainly feels that they are not getting to the point, and this can cause the other to mitigate this confusion by communicating with their own flexible aspect, and similar results happen. This mutual boredom of conversation is similar to the Customary relation, where the flexible and unconcerned attitudes are also switched. Nevertheless, individuals in a Customary relation can discuss the best ways to accomplish their shared main priority in life, unlike Conflictors.

Individuals in relations of Conflict often stay out of each other’s radius as much as possible. The Conflictor can appear that they are good at life, similar to the relation of Duality. Their lifestyle appears to be the least appealing way to do so, however. It is challenging for them to impress one another. One is confident where the other is unconfident, but it is tough to convince each other to attend to weak points. Even shared common interests can pose a communication barrier over the most enjoyable aspects of the subject. After a time, it is healthy to understand that the other sees life as a different game with different pieces – someone who lives their life differently is not “bad”.

The best way to understand a conflictor is to remain as civil as possible. Recognizing that each human has inherent ways of expressing themselves and their interests can go a long way in learning to co-exist with Conflictors.